Alan Faux's Website

Welcome to the web site of Alan Faux

Software Development

Last Updated: 18th May 2021

Javascript Applications

I'm not the first Software Developer to have a few pet projects. The applications here are written in javaScript and use techniques that wouldn't be necessary in a commercial environment. Often they are tackled just to see if it can be done. Most (all) are still a work in progress and are revisited periodically.


Last Updated: 18th May 2021

Home Recording and Production

This is the latest project. Having played guitar for 40 years or so and piano for 20, I thought I'd have a go at recording and producing music at home. With no formal training in playing or producing music I'm quite pleased with the results. I seem to be unable to write original music so instead I try to reproduce the music I like with the intention of getting it as close to the original as I can.

Alan Faux

I have been developing software since the early 1980's when I bought myself a ZX spectrum and started modifying commercial games to figure out how they worked. Since then I've progressed from ZX Basic and Z80 assembly language to Windows development using C++, C#, WPF etc. and Web development using C# and MVC. This site goes back to basics using just HTML, CSS and javaScript.